Thursday, January 12, 2012

Despite Increased Focus on Healthy Eating, More Than Half of American Households Eat Fast Food Two or More Times a Month

• ROBINETT, Stephanie. Despite Increased Focus on Healthy Eating, More Than Half of American Households Eat Fast Food Two or More Times a Month, MarketWatch, Wednesday, January 11th 2012.


Presents the results of a study which shows 56% persons polled ate at fast-food restaurants at least several times a month. But, the majority of respondents (75%) say the pay more attention to eating healthy now than they did five years ago.


“Indeed, the majority of respondents (54 percent) admitted they feel "a bit guilty" after eating fast food and another 16 percent say they just feel "bad."
So why stop at the fast-food drive thru? Half of the survey's respondents said convenience to accommodate busy schedules and faster meal availability were the top reasons for eating fast food instead of cooking at home. To skip a fast food meal and instead cook a healthy meal at home, 83 percent said it would have to be prepared in 30 minutes or less.
"We understand how pressed for time most women are these days," said Lisa Sharples, president of Allrecipes. "That's why we make sure Allrecipes' sites and apps provide quick, easy access to thousands of fast, easy, affordable and great-tasting recipes that can be made in under 30 minutes." “

Index terms:

Junk food, food habits, heath.

Found with: Google alerts “Junk food”


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