Saturday, June 8, 2013

Disney Announces Release Dates for Pixar and Animated Films Through 2018

Best Animated Film

Author : Rebecca Ford

Date :   Mai 29, 2013

Extract :  "Walt Disney Pictures has announced release dates for Disney and Pixar animated films through 2018. While the films are untitled, all eight movies will be released in 3D in 2016, 2017 and 2018."

Index terms :  Walt Disney pictures, dates, schedules

Found with : Netvibes

Site :  The Hollywood Reporter

By: B.M

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Tablet or Smartphone Becomes a Tutor for the Budding Artist

Author : Kit Eaton

Date : June 5th, 2013.

Extract : « How to Draw is a good app for learning basic skills, and is free for iOS and Android.
Its Step by Step section features the main drawing lessons, each of which is based on copying simple lines that make up a cartoonish drawing of an object like a turtle or a coffee mug. The app shows each line in turn, then you draw on the screen with a finger to copy it. More guide lines appear, until the image is complete.
The app has tools to add color to the image, or it can stay as a pencil-like sketch.
The app is aimed more at children, given the sample images and its Coloring section, which looks a lot like a digital coloring book. It starts with a limited number of sample images; more images require an in-app payment. Access to all of them costs $5.99 for the iOS edition »

Index terms : Drawing, learning.

Found with Netvibes. RSS Feeds of « NYT Technology »

Site :



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Du champagne au vin bordelais...

Author: L’Union.L’Ardenais

Date: May, 28, 2013

Title: From champagne to the wine of Bordeaux

Extract: “CHATEAU-THIERRY ( Aisne). The tourist office of Château-Thierry joined to the jurisdiction of Saint-Émilion to promote both vineyards.”

Index terms: Bordeaux,  reunion,  wine-tourism,  

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Site: l'