Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chef Bouley and his recipe of chicken in "cocotte" on The Early Show.

World-renowned chef David Bouley's ultimate dish, CBS News, December 10, 2011

Abstract : Presents a rebroadcast of "The Dish" on "The Early Show" on the 10th december 2011. Mr Bouley is a famous french chef, and the owner of the New York's famous Bouley restaurant. He presents his recipe of Chicken baked "en cocotte", which anchors savour it.

Quotation : "And after more than 40 years in the business, he keeps that passion alive and his cooking style fresh while relishing in French traditions. The name Bouley is synonymous with nouveau cuisine, as well as a flare for the dramatic. Bouley is the chef and owner of the New York's famous Bouley restaurant. And, in "THE Dish" on "The Early Show on Saturday Morning,"Bouley shared the recipe for his ultimate dish: Chicken baked "en cocotte" with Cornwall Land Trust Clover Hay, using a traditional French technique he learned from legendary French chef Roger Verge, who cooked on a bed of lavender.Like the mouth-watering food he cooks, the renowned chef's skills and management style never go stale. He's constantly re-inventing both himself and his restaurants. His most recent acquisition is brushstroke, a Japanese restaurant and teaching school, also in New York.[...] Among his numerous awards are Michelin stars and the James Beard Best Chef Award in 2000."

Index terms : French recipes, chefs, Bouley, The Dish,the Early Show, chicken in "cocotte".

Found with : Newletters about The Early Show of CBS News.


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