Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trans fats and nutrient intake linked to Alzheimer’s brain shrinkage

• GRAY, Nathan. Trans fats and nutrient intake linked to Alzheimer’s brain shrinkage, Foodnavigator.com, January 2nd 2012.


Presents the result of a study which shows the harmful effects of junk food on the brain. A diet containing high levels of trans fats can lead to Alzheimer's disease.


“Published in the journal Neurology, the study found elderly people with diets containing high levels of trans fats are more likely to experience a certain type of brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s disease than people who consume less of the artery-damaging fats.
The research team, led by Dr Gene Bowman of Oregon Health & Science University, USA, also found that those with high levels of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids in their blood had better performance on mental alertness tests and showed reduced brain shrinkage.
“High trans fats were associated with less favorable cognitive function and less total cerebral brain volume”, explained Bowman and his team.”

Index terms:

Junk food, brain, Alzheimer, health.

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