Friday, March 30, 2012

The role of social networking in the Arab spring

By: Glebs Prohorovs

Abstract : Deals about the role that played the social media in the Arab revolutions. The author believes in the importance of the new media in mobilizing people in order to defeat the governements and  improve civic life within a state.

Quotation :  " by the means social networks such as Facebook and Twitter the world community was informed about the human rights violations and growing public discontent within the state.
" stress that the social uprising was a triumph of free people over repression and the triumph of social media over the censorship. It seems to me that we witness how social networking is transforming from the mean of social communication into political tool that can mobilize people to subvert hegemony and improve civic life within a state."

Index terms : Arab spring, revolutions, mobilisation, social networks, Facebook Revolution, Politics,social change, Tunisia, Egypt,Libya 

Found with Google Alerts

Source :  Creative Hive

By : A.O

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